


Finally everything was over. The week in which our German's partners were with us in Spain has passed. We did all the things we had planned and more,we haven't stopped for a minute, all the time doing things,
going from a museum to a store and from this to another museum. It was been a non-stop, and we were very tired but it worth it, we were always laughing, talking, making jokes...
We show them the village, the city (where we  get lost), the beach, we made cupcakes that eventually burned, painted t-shirts,... And in the weekend we celebrated carnival with all our friends- It Really was and amazing experience that we are not going to forget and now all what we can do is count the days until we will see them and go to Germany.

Al final todo acabó. La semana en la que nuestras alemanas estuvieron con nosotras en España ya pasó. Hicimos todo lo que teníamos planeado y más, eso sí, no hemos parado ni un minuto, todo el tiempo haciendo cosas, yendo de un museo a una tienda y de esta a otro museo. Ha sido un no parar, acabamos agotadas pero ha merecido la pena, estuvimos todo el tiempo riendo, hablando, gastando bromas... 
Les enseñamos el pueblo, la ciudad (en la que nos perdimos), la playa, hicimos cupcakes que acabaron quemados, pintamos camisetas,...  Y en el fin de semana celebramos el carnaval con todos nuestros amigos. Realmente ha sido una experiencia que no vamos a olvidar y ahora todo lo que podemos hacer es contar los días para cuando volvamos a verlas y vayamos a Alemania. 

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About me

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Hello! We are Mari Carmen and Rocío, we live in Spain. We are 16 years old and actually we are studying cience in high school.